To BSA "Otter".Com.
And to the year 2024...
Fourteen years of Classic Trials News and Stories...

Photo Courtesy Ian Ballard...
Dick Ramplee BSA C15T Foster Otter and George Greenland BSA Bantam Wasp..
The "Grand Old Man" of Offroad two and three wheeled sport George Greenland sends us a message...
A message from George…
George Greenland
"Please remember when you get old although you would still love to ride your original bikes it is just not possible, I have Triumph, Ariel BSA Matchless but ride a lightweight Bantam... but can only manage one or two laps, could not even consider riding on a big bike, but I enjoy doing what I can"...
So Should we all George and you are an example to us all… Keep on keeping on while you can, and enjoy 2024… riding what ever bike you can cope with out of your shed, and we know most of us have got more than one...
A lot like me get great pleasure in working to build machines from scratch, or even have one to restore that has been handed down from father to son or even to a grand son. And you know that this web site will do all that it can with information to help you fulfil your dream of getting a machine up and running again…2024 will be a change over year in more ways than one, so lets make it a good year for us all this year, and BSA Otter will be with you all the way…

Photo Courtesy Ian Ballard...
Our Ian ( aboard his Foster BSA B40 Otter) is just one of these people that enjoys building up, maintaining, and riding his collection of bikes... well done sir...
Best Wishes for 2025 folks...
New News page will be up later, as waiting for New content...
Brother Rich wanted to make a batch of Turkey Curry so I had to send him instructions...
Turkey Curry, My Way…
Finely chop one or two onions, and four or five cloves of garlic, add to heavy based pan…(Chopped red chilli optional )...
Add a couple of table spoons of olive oil (or butter), and gently colour them for five or six minuets…
Add your Curry spice, and black pepper, and salt and gently roast with the onions for couple of minuets…keep the mixture moving so not to burn…
Then start to add your tinned chopped tomatoes a bit at a time, when it starts to thicken add and stir in a drop more…
You may need two tins for the amount you are doing…
when the amount has thickened to what you want, (and you can add a drop of water if it is too thick) …
Add your handful of sultanas and chopped apple, and chick peas if you are using them…
PS.. you may need to cook the chick peas for a while to soften them…in another pan first …
Bubble for about twenty minuets stirring at times to stop sticking.
Add your shredded cooked turkey (and peas if you are using) and bubble for another ten minuets or so…
Stir in a couple of spoons full of Garam Masala and serve… or let cool …
But try some to see it tastes OK… Enjoy…
When it is cool store in fridge for a while, before freezing in batches...
Looking Back over this year, it is good to know that we had some good years in the past and did something to create a bit of history..2017 to 2019 were those years....

Photo Courtesy Malcolm Kew...©...
The Lads Matt and Reece now have their own Sidecar Adventure Company and have a NEW Ural sidecar outfit up for grabs for £10 but be quick the draw is on the 29/12/2024...

Photo Courtesy Malcolm Kew "The Yard" 2017...©...
Best Wishes for Christmas Everyone...
Still time to order a "Meteor Works" "AEsir" bike for Christmas...
Designed and Made from Reynolds 853 steel tube, here in Warwickshire UK...
The late Bill Price aboard his BSA Bantam...

Bill had a couple of rides on the Works RedT2 BSA Bantam in 1966-7...
My email address is char7748@tiscali.co.uk
If any one knows where BSA Bantam RedT2 now lives, it was said to be in Lincolnshire...
Another Foster BSA B40 Otter...
Howard Fawkes and I are working on a better sump shield protection for these bikes, so watch this space...

Photo Courtesy Sidcupmcc.co.uk...
This shot of Dave Hickman riding in the recent Jack Thompson trial...
More shots of Dave on the Foster Otter Register page later...
Another shot of Our Ian from the 2017 TALMAG aboard the BSA B40 Foster Otter...

Photo Courtesy Gary Dowzall and Deryk Wylde...
Taken from a downloaded file and snapped with a Iphone from the screen of the Apple PC, OK I know it is not brilliant, unlike Our Ian's riding skills...but sometime an image is just there to do a job, and without using expensive software...But if I use them I ask permission...OK...and Deryk is going to send me a better photo...
Carrying on with the BSA Bantam theme that has seemed to dominate this year again... and started with the Alan Whitton built James MAR in January... take a look at this DRR framed Mike Bowers RAP BSA Bantam...
More "Real Steel", from Great Britian...

The younger end of the team is still keeping the Flag Flying...
New Page for you today...The Comerfords Triumph Cub's...
New Page up for you...BSA B40 776 BOP...
Two of our Local Trials Heroes from Banbury in the Sixties and a bit later...

Photo Courtesy Offroad Archives...
Ted Townsend and Tony Chard..Ariel...
Ted's daughter Alison contacted me a few days ago. He's now approaching 90 years old, and living in Basingstoke. Locals to me may remember him running the Spar shop in Tysoe and prior to that in the late '60's/ early 70's delivering all manner of goods around the local villages in his early Transit van. From Alan Taylor...
Sadly Tony Chard died in I think 2017 after a short illness >Charlie.
More Local trials Heroes Later...
Sorry for the gap in News updates and also slow answering of e-mails but a chap has not been too well again "Long Covid" I keep being told...
I have been sat working on New pages and further updates, well me head still works slowly, unlike the rest of me body...
So New page up Today BSA Bantams REDT1 and REDT2...
Also found this photo Of Stan Robinson on his BSA B40 Foster Otter for the Ally Clift Page... In one of the pile of 1988-9 Mags that I have just bought.

New "BSA 350" Page up...
And Drayton page updated, and now with phone numbers...
Morning folks... over the past week feeling a bit better, I have updated about twenty four pages most with new content and a New page ...check out all the Justyn pages, and BSA etc... More to come this week I hope...
Just an add on note: to the photo below of JVS. the first HJH rider was also Ninety years young last week Wee Tommy Robb from NI well do Sir...

Photo Courtesy Offroad Archive...
Rode with determination all of his motorcycling life....
Jeff Smith MBE, now 90 years young...
Happy Birthday Sir...
The Great Wall of China...
Seems I caught something really nasty from being shut in one of these towers for an afternoon.
Photo Courtesy Event-Design & Build...
Spent the last 14 days in solitary confinement, not speaking to another human being…Covid Sars +3 without the red stripes…
Well done China, and Joe Gibbs for painting the wall…
So while I have sat at home feeling sorry for my self I have updated quite a few pages and started writing New ones ...But going to try and get over that wall and get back out if I can walk...next week...
Been Dog sitting so brought the Sun Wasp tank home and de-nibbed and lined it, and placed decals on ready for clear coats and finishing. trying to keep the 1957 coach painted look.

Trying to Keep a Roof over my head ...

The engine shed needs its roof water proofing...
Well I have spent the last two weeks trying to catch up with jobs for the winter again...And Building Show Jumps, and trying to get the frame finished for the BSA Foster B44...
So we have a winner Pre65 Premier Manx Classic
Kiaran Hankin BSA Bantam...
Dan Clark Ariel 2nd and
James Harland Triumph 3rd...

Photo Courtesy Brian Bedford...
Third place man James Harland Triumph 3TA...
Interesting "T" bike in 48th place in the Clubmans class was John McFalane finishing the trial on his spare bike not Francis but "JMac"...

Photo Courtesy Brian Bedford...
More photos and information of this little machine on the Mini-Otter One page later...It created a lot of interest I am told.
Well had a week of waiting for stuff, some say doing a "Waller" but I can remember my old gramp saying..."Sometimes I sits and think's...Somtimes I just sits"...Yea that sort of week...
Then yesterday got stuck inside "The Great Wall Of China"...
Story of that later...
Manx Classic trial though...
Weekly update..for you...
Pages updated are the Sun Wasp page.
The Chris Leighfield page with updates on the Alta and Maclaren mini bikes... The Norman page with updated History about the works riders etc. The 1966 Villiers page with input about the DMW brand...
And New pages when I have time shortly...
I have been working on the Foster BSA B44 frame again and that could be finished this week, so updates on that...
And a New cockpit for the Sun Wasp and fuel tank in paint this week too...
Photo Courtesy "Otterman"...
Thank's to Harry Stanistreet the Sun has been shining all day today...and looks like it will continue... thank you Sir...

Photo Courtesy a very pleased "Otterman"...
More on the Sun Wasp page later...
The Foster BSA B44 frame coming together I got the main tubes cut and into the jig yesterday, and the swinging arm box positioned after small jig modification for 4mm extra width...working on different engine mounts today.

Well back at the workshop this week working on Foster Otter frames,
I have now sourced the missing 3/16" steel brake pipe needed for the oil filler cap vent pipe...but had to buy 25' of it, so should have enough then...

Photo "Otterman"...
The fuel tank for the Sun Replica is on the bench to bronze on the fixing tabs... then I am going to media blast it and powdercoat it with the Chrome powder coat we now have...
Nice to chat with an old mate this morning too...Speak soon Malc...

That's it another Foster frame finished ready for the blast cabinet...
( Welded on coil mount on this frame too..)
On with the BSA B44 Foster frame tomorrow...
Sorry for lack of News for the last couple of weeks, but I have been working on road cycles amongst other things, and the welding shop is in the middle of being re-decorated, so that has stopped the progress with the Foster BSA B44 frame until finished...I have updated a few pages like the Chris Leighfield page that has the Alta Suzuki trials bikes on that page... also in the pipeline is another Trials Bike joining the collection...more on that later...

Sadly Gordon Jackson passed away on the 07/07/2024...
One of the named stars of two and four wheeled Trials sport that every one knew the name, and what an ambassador for the sport.
R.I.P... Gordon...
Realy eventful four or more hours yesterday making the parts for the B44 Foster swinging arm box...Firstly I broke a bandsaw blade and then when hole-sawing the 2" hole for the seat tube the chuck on the pedestal drill sheared from its taper ...but we got there in the end...you have just got to keep on trying some days...

Well managed to do the first "Chrome"Powder-coating today after a glitch with the kiln... but I am so glad I tried this Powder, it turned out very well as you can see..and has the advantage of not rusting through the finish like chrome plating.

The Spirit of Dreams...finding a brother trials bike to the one you started with back in the Fifties...

Photo Courtesy EW Freeman...
A very happy man finding this little James J9 that brings back so many memories for him...
Story will be on the "Home James" Page Later...
Due to these pages the Ex Chris Denney,Tracy Jupp, Mike Mills BSA B25 has got a new owner in Mike Ellis...
Mike says with a bit of recommissioning, he has now got his first event, on the BSA under his belt...
Good look with "Legend" of a bike Mike...

Photo Courtesy Mike Ellis...
For more information check out the Mike Mills "Legend" Page...
New Page up BSA300 works trials bike...
Well that's been a hard week with my Fibromyalgia leg pain...But we have made progress with the frame for the BSA B44 engine. I have machined most parts on the lathe and cut and shaped most of the tube etc... ready for the jig next week...
The swinging arm parts are all made and tacked in the jig too...

Photo "Otterman"...
I have gone up to 1. 3/16" tubing for this arm just because of the torque from the engine...
"Wheelie"...Still putting my Spoke in...
Thank's to the service from Pete B and Graham at In Motion Trials..
I ordered a set of stainless Yamaha TY spokes yesterday, and the wheel I laced up this afternoon...

For this wheel I used the 160 x 21 Good Morad rim I had with the right hole drillings to be able to use it on the Yamaha TY front hub...
Two Legend's and a Steep hill...
"Sunrising Hill" was used on an old motorcycle "Testers" route way back when, and is still used every year for the Vintage Motorcycle Clubs "Banbury Run"...
Legends Ben Foster and Lee Prescott...
Total "In House" job over the weekend and yesterday...
The BSA 8"Catalina front hub I sand blasted, Powder-coated and then laced it up with its new Borrani Replica rim and stainless spokes...Easy when I remembered left from right... Wheel building page updated...

Just going through the family photo Album...
least I forget my roots in the current climate...

Photo Courtesy AWPrescott ...Copyright ...
Proud to be from North Oxfordshire... Proud to be British...
(Father on the right.)
Another busy week on the ranch...
Back fabricating parts for the builds, Chain-guards, spacers, front mudguard stays, etc and even powdercoating the parts, Nickle plating today...
Had Alan Whitton on the phone this week too... He tells me one of his heros when growing up was the late Jim Sandiford, Alan used to hide a book in the library with a photo of Jim riding 776BOP in it. This set Alan on his trials riding and fabrication life. Anyway Alan this week picked up 776BOP from owner Brian as he has lent the legend of a bike to Alan's keeping for Tony Davis to have a bit of a gallop around the paddock of the forthcoming Highlands Classic Two Day trial...

Photo Courtesy Alan Whitton.
Brian the proud owner of BSA B40 776BOP...
There is a page with the history of Works BSA B40 776BOP in the pipline...
Well these legs not being good is helping with bike production, now I have a system going ...So the "Hubbo" frame is ready to drop the B25 engine in, and Mini-Otter five frame is ready for its engine too...All done from a kitchen chair...

Mini-Otter 5 frame kit...
Well being stuck at home with legs that don't work very well... I had to do something, so the first build of the year is now done...Better get on with the other seven...

Mini-Otter 2 now back together...Number 5 next...
Just been checking Deryk's Facebook page as I do...
And he has this superb Ted Hardy drawing of The Norman B2C trials bike on the page again, this drawing was done for the Offroad Review Magazines of Deryk's... But there is a mistake on the drawing that I noticed years ago when I used it for the Norman page...
Here I have corrected it, but the original is on that Norman page, and on Deryk's Facebook, if you want to try and spot it...

With the weather we have had down in England UK..
The best place to have been yesterday was up in Scotland and that two day Pre65 trial...the one I call now-a-days the Drayton REH trial...
And with 21 degrees temperatures it looks like the sections were like main roads congested... but do-able, with thirteen zero scores up front...
Enjoy this video by 2wheels-Offroad...with a good taste of what it was like.
And Day Two...
No published results yet...
10-30...am, found it.
Another shoot off between Dan Clark and Ben Butterworth.. with Dan winning again... with the furthest clean sheet...
Well done all of you again...and you could say an Ariel Triumph...
A bit of a Bitter-Sweet update...

Photo Courtesy Andy Foster ...
The "Big Fish in a Small Pond" BSA B40 Foster Otter has been sold by Stretton Honor to new owner Andy Foster...
Sadly Stretton's son in law also Andy Foster who refirbished the machine during the Covid lockdown's lost his battle with the medical condition he had... R.I.P. Andy..
But in stepped one of his very good mates and bought the bike from Stretton.. his name is also Andy Foster. and Andy intends to get the Foster BSA Otter back on the road shortly...
Good luck with the bike Andy...The page will be updated shortly...
Coincidence again...
You know I am working on a Comerfords Triumph page...
Well I have also just done some welding repairs on a Comerfords Cub silencer for a friend... Gives me more insight to the parts used as well for the story...

Photo "Otterman"...
Good Morning Folks...
From yesterday I can inform you that the BSA Otter website now has a SSL Certificate for your security when you visit it... Just another step forward for the site in your interest...
I have spent most of the last two days phoning people for information on New pages in the pipline and also for updating others... An interesting story on the "One Step A Head"page if you want to own the ultimate BSA Bantam for the sport.
You may have noticed the Deryk Wylde Factual page as popped up... It has been there for quite a while but for reasons that Deryk has been going through recently we have held back opening it...
But it has seemed a shame not to use it so with Derek now nearly sorted, with several issues, I have opened the page for you. and will explain more later...
Spoke to Pete Kirby yesterday also for a clutch and belt drive for the BSA B44. Pete says it needs a 10 plate clutch with the torque that engine produces... with trials gearing...
Pete has just had major surgery on his neck and spine, so is not realy up for a lot of work at the moment, but is fulfilling the orders that he has... but can't lift a lot...
Well woke up to be a "Miwyonair" this morning... Nice one folks... you have made an old chap very happy...

Photo Courtesy "Jake-B'' ...
This is friend Jake's New build Miller framed BSA Otter, fitted with a RayBox Engineering alloy barrel
Colin from RayBox has a new BSA Bantam alloy barrel conversion. the photos are on the "One Step A-Head" page for you...
Story and page on Jake's bike build later...
Working week end again...
Well I got that pesskey sprocket of of the B44 engine, and that was tight again all the way off, and tight being forced on with hammer and drift in the USA...Is that how they fit them there? I must ask Mike...
B44 page will be updated...
The other job I managed was to Fosterize the BSA B44 botton fork yoke to fit the 1" roller bearings...
Thought I was going to be clever and stick it into my old lathe to do the job but it clouted the rails, so that was out... do it the old way with Flapwheel Dremel and file...

Measurements of metal to remove...and take down to 25.40mm for bearing

Job done ready for bearing...
Rodney Gould 1943-2024…
It is sad for me to report that one of the Star motorcycle road racers to come out of Banbury has just passed away after illness on the 17th of April…2024...
Rodney from an early age just wanted to emulate the success of road racer “Banbury Dan” Shorey and did everything he could without a lot of money to achieve this with grit and determination… Starting off riding a 350 BSA Gold Star (that I later owned) he had some backing with spares from Banbury’s BSA dealer Taylor-Dow, it was Eddie Dow that helped Rodney buy the 350 Manx Norton from Dan Shorey in 1963 to help him up the road to success...RIP Rodney...
This is what I wrote in 2017...
July 2011 recorded.
Rod started racing in 1961 riding a BSA 350 Gold Star.(Ecuri Rasputin).
tuned by the local tuner Bert Pool from Great Bourton,
Lightweight machines were a ride on a Bultaco and later a Yamaha TD1C.
He also had a Yamaha engined DMW. at one point.
His first IOM TT was in 1967 riding a Norton, dnf was the result.
Then Rod went off to the USA to ride a Yamaha in a production race.
And this led to the sign up to Works Yamaha.
the rest is History, and what he said...
Proud to be from Banbury UK.
Also I have been informed by a friend in Northern Ireland.
That 17 times Irish trials champion Benny Crawford has too sadly passed away...another true Star of the Classic years of trials riding ...RIP Benny...
Page Updated with more BSA B4o engined C15T's... "Brian Martin and the Works BSA C15T's...
Also working on a page about the Comerford Triumphs...

Photo Courtesy Deryk Wylde ORR 1996...
Roger Davy 1996 Unit Champion in the Sammy Miller British Bike Championship...
OK...after reading the email from Mike Waller this morning I have a New pagette up for the B44 build..."A BSA B44 Foster Otter trials bike build"...
On this page there is also information about fitting a new liner to a B44 barrel. for you...

Well I had told a very good friend that I would not touch the BSA B44 project until I had built up the two BSA C15 Foster Otter's...But last Monday I had an afternoon at the workshop and not a lot to do, as I was waiting for parts and tyre's for the two build bikes. So I thought I would remove the fuel tank from the BSA B44 so that I could remove the small dent in it and stop it getting anymore. But with the tank off I thought I may as well remove the forks and overhaul them, as I was going to use them, so they came off and were stripped (now rebuilt)... The lads were waiting for trucks to arrive on Tuesday, and said did I want an hand with the bike. In two hours the bike had been upside down like a push-bike on saddle and handlebars. and looked like it had been hit with a tornado...but the oil had been drained and the engine was out and onto the bench...
Gary had the remains on its side removing the seized QD back wheel spindle, with me saying "NO Gary you do not have to loosen the nut on the other side, but you do have to remove the speedo drive and spacer this side but not with that big bar"...You can see where I am going and my blood pressure was on the mark in the morning... anyway for a project I was not going to start yet, is well and truly started, and I removed the cylinder head on Saturday to remove the 20+ oversized barrel to weld in the bits of broken fins (No they were already done) phewww... and I freed the clutch... So Foster BSA B44 project is on the way as well...and the frame tubes arrived...Now did I have a spare 18 tooth engine and 14 tooth gearbox sprocket...
30/03/2024 ...**...
Good to be back...Well I have had a lot of trouble getting to update the pages... as Google keeps saying I have got to delete Cache every time I try to log into the web site... I think they are trying to get me to update the browser...
Any way had two good days yesterday I got the BSA C25 engine gearbox and bottom end of the engine finished...
and today have spent a sunny afternoon in the workshop using the powdercoat gun and brothers make-shift oven... but it works and did a great job...
Guna be some photos now to show you...

Make-shift oven with the Foster BSA Otter fork yokes and Mini-Otter engine mounting bits.. Good job as well...

And the heat sorce for the oven...

BSA Catalina fork yokes and rear sprocket...Drum...

BSA C25 engine and gearbox bottom end finished...This is the engine that I am using a C15 cylinder head on... the one down the page...
1959 BSA C15T...

James from Northern Ireland is trying to find out information about his BSA C15T...
From the BSA Owners club dating information through the BSA factory records, the bike was loaned to the BSA Comp Dept in November 1959...
it was despatched to WJ Chambers and Co Belfast on the 30th of January 1960...the machine has only had two owners in its life time...
So was it a trials machine sent to Northern Ireland for a BSA sponsored rider to use... or was it abandened in the barn early on in its life...
We would love to know the answers. can anyone enlighten us with information about the machine...
Something not to waste I thought...and it was delish..
May do a recipe a week for you...
Spag-Bol me and mum's way...

1 medium sized Organic Carrot …
1 medium sized Organic brown onion.
1 small red Chile…
2 sticks of Organic celery …
2 spring onions…
1 tin of Organic tomatoes…
Seven small Organic plumb tomatoes…
Salt and pepper to taste table spoon of medium curry powder…
Hand full of 5% fat Organic beef minced…
Drop of Olive oil and a knob of butter to soften the veg for five mins.
Finely chop all the veg…. And place into a deep skillet pan..
Soften for five with the oil and butter, then add the beef and stir to brown…
Leave to bubble for ten then stir in the can of tomatoes.. and bubble for another ten…
Fill the tomato can with water and add to pan, stir and place on lid and bubble away for fifteen minuets…
Meanwhile boil a kettle of water and add to another pan add a pinch of salt and throw in a good handful of pasta twirls or pasta to your choice… when al-dente... drain and leave for five in colander…
Let sauce rest for same time before plating up… add grated cheese to your choice another twist of cracked black pepper and enjoy…
Chef Charlie…Mums was always the best...
So New Page up for you, the Simon Hatcliffe build of the BSA C15T engined Greeves... "Greeves BSA C15T build"...
OK.... knew about this for a while but it is Mike's show...
And a bit of a change for him... and a learning curve for a start with the forks... You know when you shout at the screen when you know something, well mine had that treatment..."leave the bolts in and tap them down to release the taper, like a push bike stem" I was shouting...
Need to get Simon in on this act I feel... and get his page up now... you can see why I have waited... good look with the conversion Mike ..We are here...
Don't forget "MORE"...at top...
Spent an hour or two spring cleaning the website yesterday… and moving things around, old news pages now at the bottom of the listings…talking of which I am trying to decide whether to remove the navigation bar on the right? You decide…it would mean that you have to use the bar at the top of the page…by just clicking on “MORE” I know, I don't use this either but will try…you can read them better…
Anyway the new owner of the Telford Foster BSA B40 Otter down the page and I, are looking into the machines past history, like I do with all Otter's that come to light on the site. And like a needle in a hay stack find, some of the history of the bike was already on these pages, looking down the Gallery page and Bingo what looks like said bike and can’t be two is on that page…Sold on eBay in 2010, as this is when I did this page, and the price then £2.675…

So there you go Ed it keeps jumping out at us…
BSA Otter recording Trials Bike History…
Another busy week, and already collecting parts for the BSA Foster B44 build, but it will only be collecting parts until I get two of its Foster brothers built up... Also got my powder coat gun up and running and brother has finished building a vapour blaster...
I have been working on several new pages and updating old ones ...I must do a list for you. and more interesting stuff coming later...
Just been going back through the News pages looking for when I made some gearbox parts, and found the Austrian Otter build video..I had said at the time that I would put this build video on for them, well it is on now four years late...
Nice little bike...chaps...
I had been watching the Mike Waller BSA B44 trials bike build...and then he popped on a video of a quick ride out... watched it several times now, and like how that motor pulls... then an unexpected gift from brother Rich clinched the deal...So by the end of this year we will have a BSA B44 Foster Otter ...I hope...
The B44 test ride...

The Gifted BSA B44...
I intend to use as much as possible from this machine.(not the front wheel)...The Foster frame will have a 1 1/2" front down tube too...
Busy busy week again, and two new bikes arrived, one complete, one semi built up, now another priority...and only two hands...
Yesterdays job...
Making the Unobtainable...converting a BSA C11 fork slider into a 1959 500 single leg...

Photo Courtesy "Otterman"...
Full photos on the Triumph-BSA Four-stud fork page later...NOW ON
The Alloy slug is the most important part.. in the process...
Ariel the other GOV's page updated with information about the 7" half side front hub used... the truth is out...
British Rival page updated with loads of new information... and more to come...
OK... because of the Telford show I have been sidetracked again...
so here is a couple of photos that have been in my mind and taken time a lot this week...
Can say no more at the moment...

Photo Courtesy Offroad-Archives ...
Yes the Hubbo bike is getting built...to this spec...

Photo Credited...
Just a photo of a very rare BSA Catalina scrambler...
Nice little lunch interlude, and enjoyed every minute...Hope you do...
Thank's John, and how many Ariel frames were of your build?...
Nice to see George aboard his BSA C15 Wasp...
Back in the real world today... and back on the engine build's for the Foster Otters...this latest engine is a Hy-brid that I have wanted to do for ages, It has a BSA C25 bottom end and C15 cylinder head and GB gearbox...The build will be on the Engine Pages...

Photo Otterman...
The C15 cylinder head I have built up today, with new valves, caps, springs, and a bronze B25 exhaust valve guide... more details on the engine build pages...
With information still coming in from the Telford show I have left updating the pages for a while on the two bike brands, that have now a lot more information...
One of Chris's most watched videos...Already ...
could it be the walk around the ex Barry Nutley BSA Goldie that did it...
There will be a page on the show bikes with more information about the bikes later... Hope Chris is a convert to BSA Otter he may get the right information....thats down the page...
Thank's Chris...
After a week of trying to catch up after the Telford show with loads of new leads on bikes and stories...I have also been collecting all the parts together to build up our Harry Foster BSA C15 G engined Otter...so the build starts next week, while the gang are still keen after the show... Next week I will be doing the same thing collecting parts together to build the first New Foster Otter frame into a BSA machine...Going through the stores for parts, needing 7 air cleaner boxes I am going to make another batch of these so there may be some for sale at the next show we go too...

Well after the bikes being on the stand at Telford for two days, a lot more information about a couple of the brands on display has turned up, and I have had phone calls and e-mails about them... So New updates on pages when I get the chance... Here is one that will be updated with new Photos and more history of the...
British Rival...

Photo Courtesy Gary Dallow...©...
Still busy so just loaded the New Telford Video for you today..
Good Walk Around...
Thank's Simon again...
More Later...
OK... for today we will have a couple of BSA B25 engined bikes at the show... both show the workmanship that went into them... bigger engines tomorrow...

Photo Courtesy Otterman...
The Faber Mk3 BSA B25 engined Otter...

Photo Courtesy "Otterman"...
And another British built machine that brings back memories of the past, and the engineering skill of Joe Maxwell who newly builds the frame kits, and also the hours spent by the builder of the machine to get this finish.. and don't forget another frame Mike Mills designed ...

Photo Courtesy "Otterman"...
The BSA B25 engined JME CCM 250...
Only just made time(1800 pm) to update you on the Telford show...

Photo Courtesy Otterman...
Lee looking after the Ariel line up on the stand...
More photos and update on the show tomorrow...
I have been busy with emails and phone calls all day, from show feed back...
And it looks like a younger generation are getting into the Classic Trials scene, and are interested in the British bikes from the past, and are loosing interest in the modern day Plastic machines that all look the same, and with little character, there is also renewed interest in the BSA Otter's ...
Bought at the show was this
Foster BSA B40 Otter... the ex Bill Hartnell-Dave Chick machine from Taunton Somerset...
By a friend of mine that has bikes on this web site... and is now a proper BSA Otter owner too...

Photo Courtesy Ed Freeman...
Another of the missing Foster Otter's has turned up...Great stuff.
I will try and find more history on this machine later... it looks like it has spent its life down in the West Country since it was built...

Photo Courtesy Deryk Wylde Nostalgia Books Facebook...
Here Bill Hartnell aboard the Foster BSA Otter in a West country Two Day Trial many years ago now...
Busy Day on the stand at Telford...
Check out the list of bikes there down the page...

Photo Lee Prescott Photos...
Report later
Here is the little Honda TL 125... For Sale at the Telford Show...
Ring Rich on 07547474748 for this nice little runner with new carb fitted....Now Sold...

Photo "Otterman"...
First of the race bikes is this Dave Greenham New build Honda 500 RC181 Mike Hailwood Replica... with all the right gear on it... A Classic TT bike if ever there was one...
Photo Courtesy Richard Prescott...
Number 2 race bike is this rebuilt Yamaha 350 Mono with loads of history...the Neil Tuxford machine..(more information later)...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
Number three Race bike is this New build 500 Manx Norton with five speed Petty gearbox... (more information later)

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
I will put the rest of the bikes in the vans for the show on today and Rich is taking three of his race bikes to fill the end of the stand...
I will put them on later...
There is also a nice little Honda TL 125 trials that is there to be sold along with a couple of autocycles ...very collectable now I am told...
All the bikes on the stand are on the market for the right price... ring
Rich on 07547474748...
So you have seen these two in build...
The nice little 500 Mk4 Triumph Metisse...
with full New build...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
The photos do not do this little bike justice see for your self at the Telford Show...
And the second Triumph TR6 engined Mk 3 Rickman Metisse all new build, you have seen the photos...probably better than the Steve McQueen bikes...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
Two More Later.
OK... Lets have another, so 14...
You have see the build up of this Metisse machine.
here it is in all its glory...

Photo Lee Prescott Photos...©...
The Brand New 600cc ABSAF Matchless engined Mk3
Rickman Metisse...
I hate the number 13 but love this little bike...
Royal Enfield Crusader 250...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
The Peter Gaunt Replica Royal Enfield Crusader Trials 250…
With engine built by ex Royal Enfield Experimental shop wizard
Ray Tew…
After viewing Peter's Enfield at several trials in the Cotswolds ...we just wanted that machine, so set too to build a replica, and with getting Ray Tew to build the engine instigated by Allan and the chaps from Hitchcock's Motorcycles the machine turned out a lot better than we expected… A Truly one off Classic trials bike that is priceless…
Lets have a scrambler today for number 12...
A BSA Gold Star DB34...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This Goldie DBD 34 500 from 1965 is the Ex Barry Nutley, Jim Lyons machine, rebuilt in 1990 by Roy Davis...
to this specification...
Carrillo Con Rod.
Forged Piston.
Balanced Blueprinted engine...
1.3/8th Amal Grand Prix carburettor. Amal Matchbox float chamber ...
Twin Spark competition magneto...
Norton Competition Clutch ( runs dry)...
Racing cams.
Norton Road Holder Forks.
AMC front hub.
Manx Norton rear Hub..
A bike with a very interesting past...and truly one off...very collectable...
Lets have another Ariel HT5 for bike 11...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This Ariel HT5 was first registered in Plymouth in 1956 owned by John Chellen Rowe from Redruth Cornwall and it spent all of its working life down in Gods county as I call it until 2001 when it came to stay in Warwickshire... living in mothers front room for a while too...not altered much since it left the Selly Oak Birmingham factory...
A very special Ariel today bike 10...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This is what we call the "Laird's" Ariel...
It was first registered in Scotland with reg Number MST221 and ridden by Lochaber club member Billy McLeod...after a working life the Ariel HT5 was completely rebuilt alongside GOV132... By our old mate Deryk Wylde... after being used as I say a Laird's runabout on his estate in Scotland, and after spending a holiday in Gurnsey for a while, it came along to stay with us...Still in the same condition as Deryk Wylde rebuilt it... to factory condition...
After spending yesterday afternoon getting the 18 bikes photographed for the show...
Today's bike 9 is the second of the BSA Otters.
This is the Faber Mk 3 framed BSA B25 engined Otter.

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This Mk 3 Faber Otter was built up by Nick using all the information on these website pages, even down to fitting the Jialing rear wheel... what a Super little bike it turned out, and it rides very well for a new build...
Bike 8... for today is another ArielHT5 500...
Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This time the long stroke Ariel 500HT, sporting a Paul Jackson frame...
Just been stripped, and rebuilt, with powdercoated frame, new alloy guards, rims, and tyres, new comfy seat and one of my SH Miller replica GOV 132 tanks fitted...OK with Aspen fuel...Ridden by Wrighty many moons ago in the 2010 Classic Trial Show... Been with us since 2009...
Bike number 7 for the show is the little
British Rival...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
British Rival
from 1974 until 1978...
These small 125 Sachs engined schoolboy scrambles bikes were built over a period of few years in the seventies...
They were also built up like this little bike as an ISDT machine...
Designed by Midlander Ken Sedgley...
With frames built by Eric Cheney...
It is reckoned that no more than 10 were ever built, and only a couple remain here in the UK, and 1 in Australia that we know of...
Another of the Foster BSA B40's that we follow, at the start of the TALMAG...
Photo Courtesy Maggie Smith...
This is Steve Hammond aboard the ex Maggie Smith Foster BSA Otter that was built up originally by Jon Bliss...
Ian Ballard Pages updated with photos of him and Paul Chelwin at the TALMAG...
Being as it has been a Otter themed day, bike for the show number 6 is
the Faber Mk2 framed BSA B40 engined Otter...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This is the BSA Otter built by Paul Beswick in 2006...
Paul is the Chap known as "Old Trials Fanatic" (OTF) on Trials Central...
The bike has always been known as "Bessie", named by Paul...
The Fanatic part in the name is right, just look at the workmanship that went into this build, and Paul found fault with most of what he did...Why?
Eventualy Paul sold the bike to finance his next project a James that he could ride in the Scottish Pre65 trial...
Well the TALMAG is over again, with a start list for the solo's of 196, and a start number of about 170, and 18 sidecars. We realy should run more trials for "FourStrokes" like this in a year bar for the couple we have what happens to the machines for the rest of the year?
Our Foster Otter boys had a good day too...
Dave Hickman on his Foster BSA B40 was 11th in the over 300cc class,with a loss of 5 marks...
Paul Chelwin riding the Ian Ballard Foster Triumph twin was 4th in the Solo Clubmans class with a loss of 2 marks...
And our Ian Ballard riding the Foster BSA B40 Otter had a good ride in the over 65's class with a loss of just 22 marks...
And good old George Greenland managed a lap on his BSA C15.. good man...
Video Courtesy Duke Dyson ....thank you...
It was nice too see Mr SH Miller enjoying the sun, and we had a glimce of Dave Hickman on his yellow tanked Foster BSA Otter... looks like a good crowd too, is the scene on the up would you think?
So that where all of the BSA Otters have been...
Thank you Nigel...
Well what better to follow one Gem of a machine with another...
so today Number 5 is the second of the Ariels...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©....
Ariel HT3 350 Rigid …
This truly one off hand built Classic trials bike is an example of what can be done in a shed if you have the inclination to build up something that is unique…
Refinished in one week in 2010… for the Classic Trials Show …
This little Ariel was galloped around the show by no other than
Mick Andrews…
If you look you will see that even the cylinder barrel has been hand machined out of a block of billet aluminium… how can you value this machine as it is once again priceless.
And a real Gem of a Classic today Number 4...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
HJH Motorcycles…
HJH motorcycle were built in Wales for a period of two years from 1954 until 1956.
This HJH 197 Villiers 8E engined rigid trials bike from 1956 is the only one we know of in existence still.
The ex John Victor Machine…
HJH only built 450 machines at seven per week over its production period …
The bike for today Number 03 is another Classic build with a lot of Class...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This superb AJS 350 from North Yorkshire...
Has the image of just a class built machine, with all the little details... Parts to note are the Boyer ignition system, Burman Clutch, Beta forks in Norton sliders...(New yokes being made)...for Pre65 Scottish...
OK... lets do a bike a day up to the show on the 10th of Feb as I have to do the write-ups...02...

Photo Courtesy Lee Presott Photos..©...
This is the brand New MAR James with Derby Road and Race super lightweight frame...built by Alan Whitton to again be as light as possible... this James is the one that could start a revival in the brand... and if you are interested get your name down for one of the batch of ten frames that will be built if there is interest...
Another Bike ready for the show...01...
Ariel HT3 380cc...

Photo Courtesy Lee Prescott Photos...©...
This is the ex Geoff Brooker 380 Ariel... and one of my favourite bikes...
It was hand built for Geoff if I remember up in Yorkshire, by Gary Mitchell... Geoff lives in the South...I have film of Geoff riding the machine in the 2008-9 Pre65 Scottish trial...
The Ariel HT3 has been completly rebuilt with powder coated frame, new rims, spokes, and tyres, new seat, and fuel tank ,and reconditioned oil tank and new oil lines ...new silencer, reshaped header pipe, and grey plastic guards... and cone air cleaner...
Been working on several New pages in the pipeline, and loads of New Makes and Names not featured before...Also updating some... One today is The "Home James" Page, with a bike that is going to make a storm of a comeback this year I feel...
More Later...
OK...OK...I know you are sick of Metisse builds already this year, but Brother Rich is on fire with the Metisse builds, and there is still another to come after this one, and may-be two...

This nice little Mk4Triumph 500 Metisse is very likeable and was built after I found an engine for it while we were locked up in the Covid lock-downs... so some good came out of them... you could say Rich is in a purple patch of builds...
Another Day Another Metisse...
This one with New Matchless Copy engine from "ABSAF"...

While I have stopped in the warm, Rich and the boys have been busy again finishing another Metisse... why black and white, well I have a photo from Deryk with friend and Hero Dave Curtis next to the bike this Metisse was based on...
There will be a New Metisse Page up when we have finished the bikes...
Well at least brother Rich has been busy this week...
I am still struggling to get fit again...Covid will just not go away...
Fiction or Fact BSA 250 Page updated with a New photo that concludes the story...
Another Day another Metisse...
Rich is getting a taste for these boy's now and can't stop building them...
While I am sat here still...Hmm.

Photos Courtesy Event Design and Build...
This Bad Boy with new ABSAF Matchless engine... Wow...

Like the pipe... What silencer ...
T.W. alloy tank too...
One more then...

Hmm... beginning to like this Metisse too...
I have just read on a Facebook page that our "Old Friend "
Terry Weedy passed away on the 4 January 2024...
RIP Sir...
I am sure Terry would have liked me to pass on this link for you...
Two Birthday present's...Wow...

Photo Courtesy of Beating Covid...
Finally... that has taken seventeen day's to get a clear reading, now all I need to do is learn to breath again, just out of breath big-time. But started to eat again, and taste a bit... Wonder if I can taste the Red Wine ... Well I am old enough...
The Faber Frames 2020 Page as been updated...
with information about NEW frames for 2024...
Triumph 650 TR6 Metisse..

Photo Courtesy R Prescott...
I must say with guidance over the phone brother has done a splendid job in fourteen days putting the Triumph Metisse together, needs a couple more days to get it finished... one for the show in February I think...
Howard Fawkes has been busy too, and has got the Mk 4 "A" Faber Triumph Cub Otter frame finalised and ready for production... and ready for the Pre65 Scottish trial...

Just an addition to this Faber Mk4"A" Otter Triumph Cub frame snippit. ...
Well I had a long chat with Howard Fawkes this morning ... Firstly Howard and Miles Webb send a Happy New Year message to you... And Howard says that any of you that have a Faber Triumph Cub Otter frame and would like the conversion as the above carried out to your frame Faber will do the conversion for a fee of about £250.00..
Good value I think, as this stiffens up the whole frame and makes it a lot better for use on rocks like Scotland and saves the underside of the engine has well as complying with any rules...
Also if you have a BSA Bantam in need of a re-frame, or you are building a trials bike up from scratch...If there is enough interest Miles and Howard will consider building a batch of the Faber Mk "4"A Otter BSA Bantam frames the same as they built in the year 2000...to the pattern of the last Works BSA Bantams...
Now that should be interesting... They would also like to find one of the frames built in 2000 if you have one...

Photo Credited...
The ex works BSA Bantam...Faber will again build frames the same as these... if there is interest...
More 2024 later...